Get yourself a wildlife camera!

I mentioned a few weeks ago in my first first blog post that I had ordered a wildlife camera. I’d hit that fine line that nature lovers often find themselves toeing where I wanted to learn about and experience as many different animals as I could, but my interest was starting to affect the dayContinue reading “Get yourself a wildlife camera!”

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Looking a little closer in lockdown

This lockdown is definitely proving to be a really challenging time emotionally for a lot of people. Thanks for that, coronavirus! Some of us are out of work, some aren’t, but I think we’re all a little cut off from our freedom and support networks regardless. For my part it’s actually going quite well. EvenContinue reading “Looking a little closer in lockdown”

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Deer Stalking

Any lover of wildlife in the UK will appreciate how special mammal sightings are. We don’t have the largest collection of native mammals, but it cannot be denied that we do have some rather beautiful and iconic creatures sharing this island with us. It certainly never fails to take my breath away when I spyContinue reading “Deer Stalking”

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I’m really excited to finally be starting my own blog, I’ve wanted to write one for years but never had the time or confidence! Following government lockdown guidelines and quitting your full time job to start volunteering are pretty good ways to free up some time!  I grew up in the Snowdonia National Park inContinue reading “Introduction”

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